Discover The Learner Within
The Learner Within is a card-based interactive learning resource designed to foster individual, team, and organizational learning.
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The Learner Within can be used, during training seminars or workshops, as a personal learning assistant, and catalyst for change. Regardless of the size of an organization or program, or the intended outcome, The Learner Within offers the vital resources needed to inspire continued learning and growth at all levels.
What's In The Box?
- A Manual on how to get the most out of The Learner Within.
- A “Using The Learner Within” envelope to get acquainted with the resource.
- A Map of the 64 subjects or “learning challenges”.
- 64 envelopes, one per subject. Each envelope contains seven colour-coded cards:
Orange: individual activities
Red: group or team activities
Green: thought organizers, models, frameworks
Blue: an invitation to reflect
Yellow: creative ideas and new perspectives
Purple: recognizing and getting past stupidity
Grey: resources and references
- Two envelopes with 16 Wild Cards "Jokers" designed to help you internalize your learning.
- A storage box. Designed as a three-dimensional art object, for easy access on a desk.
How it works
The Learner Within contains resources that cover a wide range of learning outcomes and topics. Choose one of the 64 topics included to start your learning journey.
Learning Packages
Consider each package a unique “island of learning” just waiting to be explored. Each package contains a set of 7 cards that you'll use to facilitate learning.
Each of the 7 colour-coded cards in a learning package presents a unique approach to understanding and learning more about a topic.
Consider This...
"You are what you think. What you think comes from what you know. What you know could be wrong...
Always leave the window of opportunity open to the wind of a new perspective."
- Maurice Lavigne - Thought Leader, Motivational Speaker, Strategist - 2018